Goal Setting for 2020

By this point in the off-season many athletes have their "A" races picked for the 2020 season. This is exciting part of the planning piece and the easiest. It is very simple to register and have lofty expectations for a certain race, but what can be overlooked are the specific steps to achieve that goal. This is where detailed goal setting is crucial. Many of you have already heard of using the acronym S.M.A.R.T. when setting goals, which provides an outline of the process steps you have to take to achieve that set goal. Here is the acronym below and an example of how to use it: 

S-Specific: Goal is direct, detailed and meaningful

M-Measurable: Goal is quantifiable to track progress and success

A-Attainable: Goal will push your limits and challenge you but is possible 

R-Relevant: Why is this goal important to you? Is all the hard work worthwhile? 

T-Timely: When will you accomplish this goal? Deadline. 

Example of using S.M.A.R.T.: Outcome Goal: Finish a 70.3 Race and be top 10 in age group

Process to achieve goal:

Specific: Finish De Moines 70.3 feeling strong and be top 10 in the Female 30-34 age group

Measurable: Execute all planned workouts to the best of my ability (unless injury or sickness require additional rest), Get field testing times/FTP to:  5k (under 24 min), FTP (220 watts, 3.5 watts per/kg), 1000m (16:00)

Attainable: Since I have been in top 20 in both 70.3 races that I have done, and if I am able to execute my training as planned and the daily habits (recovery, nutrition, sleep, etc..) that will help set me up to have the best opportunity to get top 10 in my age group. 

Relevant: I want to stay healthy and active throughout my adult life and want to continue to strive to make improvements and push my endurance capabilities. My family is on-board with this journey and is always encouraging me. 

Timely: June 20th, 2020

I have attached a spreadsheet to this email so each of you are able to fill this out on your own time. If you have more than one goal use the same S.M.A.R.T. Goal structure to lay out the steps to which you will complete each goal (see bottom tabs on spreadsheet to fill out for more than one goal). During our 1:1 sessions we will review what you have laid out for the season ahead. Please take a few minutes prior to our meetings since it will be a major topic of conversation. THANK YOU! 


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