Be Consistently Good, Not Seldomly Great

With the fresh start of a new year, I want to begin by discussing a foundational quote/idea that is required for success in our sporting goals, but can also be applied to all aspects of our lives.

Throughout the years of coaching and personal training I have found that the most difficult part for many individuals is to dedicate themselves fully to the process of daily improvement and their goals. Resolutions and goal setting are many times a routine to start a new year, but once faced with the realization that nothing comes easy and hard work will have to be done to accomplish those goals, it can be easier to let other reasons get in the way of us accomplishing those goals.

So to start this new year, rather than focusing on perfection (all or nothing) every day, focus on consistently doing something to be better. No matter how small they seem! Over time this commitment to being consistently good will create greatness.


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