How Team Sports Benefit Adults

Many of us are a part of teams growing up — formal, or informal, or even playing team sports in gym class — some of us maybe were part of teams for more than a decade. But as we enter adulthood, responsibilities change, and team opportunities become tougher to find. We become busy with work, family, and running a household, that finding time to exercise and socialize with others requires more intentionality.

While there are many health benefits to exercising, being a part of a team and being surrounded by others who are also going after their goals, can have many added benefits.

Build Friendships & Community

Training with others who are also going after their goals can help us build lifelong friendships and community. In addition, social connection is one of the key components to living a longer, more enjoyable life by improving our mental health. When obstacles arise or motivation is low, a community can be so helpful in ensuring we maintain consistency on the way to our goals. And along the way, they make it more FUN!

Increased Accountability & Support

We all hit roadblocks, mentally and physically, in our journeys. For those of us who are trying to achieve a goal or maintain a fitness routine on our own, it’s more likely that we will take a long pause, (or worse, quit altogether) if we don’t have the right support systems in place. Having a team and community who can support us, understand our highs and lows, and empathize and celebrate with us along the way, can help us feel supported and maintain our consistency in moving forward with a positive mindset. With team workouts, team events, and team races, there are so many more opportunities for increased accountability and support.

Discover Your Potential

Our performance can be elevated when we have others around us who push us to be the best we can be, cheer for us on the course on race day, and show us what’s possible. As this athlete shared, “My performance has totally gone to the next level, and I have never had so much FUN!” and it’s true for many others. When we have a team surrounding us, we can take our performance to the next level and discover our true potential.

Extra Inspiration & Motivation

Motivation will be low at various points in our lives and journey towards our goals. Knowing and seeing others around us go after their goals, and how they manage to maintain consistency and joy in the journey, can help provide the extra inspiration and motivation that we need. Seeing others try a brand new sport (at any age), challenge themselves in a new way, or continue to go after their goals despite setbacks, can be so inspiring and motivating.

Increased Knowledge

We can only learn so much on our own, but with others, we can pick up unique strategies and pieces of knowledge from those around us. Each person will have a unique perspective, can share their words of wisdom and reflections, and we can learn something from each person on the team.

Hear what the team has had to say about the benefits:

“Being coached by Peter and being a part of Team OutPace has really pushed me and allowed me to become a better athlete in all ways. Getting to join a community of athletes that are way better than me and having a coach that both inspires/pushes me has helped round myself out and give me a platform to reach for the high performance goals I set for myself. They helped check a lot of boxes that were missing from being self-coached and allowed me to pick things up that I would have never learned trying to navigate a new sport by myself.”

“Having others to compete with makes it much more enjoyable. Coaching with Anthony has helped performance and motivation.”

“Highly motivated people that continually inspire me to push myself, grow, and align my lifestyle with my values even when it’s hard. Plus, best coaches ever.”

Community: The key to consistency

In Team OutPace, community shows up in many different ways for our team, and we’re grateful for all of them. Through team events, team workouts, team training camp, team races, and staying connected virtually, we’ve seen the impact that the power of community has on our team and people going after their goals. Need help maintaining consistency? Community is the key.

Here are some examples of the impact:

  • Increased performance and enjoyment: “My performance has totally gone to the next level, and I have never had so much FUN!”

  • Teammates who have traveled across the country to crew for others’ events

  • Teammates who are up at 4am, standing in the cold and rain and wind (Ironman WI 2022!), cheering on teammates and other athletes until the midnight finish of an Ironman

  • Shared experiences on the race course, going through the same challenges as those around them

  • Unlocked performance and potential physically, and enjoyment mentally

  • People finding the confidence to go after new challenges, in new environments, and ready to step outside their comfort zone, because they have the power of community behind them

Do you want to experience the power of coaching & community? Learn more about our OutPace Coaching Experience.


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